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How to Drive Traffic to Your Website? 20 Best Free and Paid Practices

33 min read

Sometimes running a website with a catchy domain name, visually pleasing layout, and high-quality content is not enough to drive traffic to it.

You can have the most attractive website in the world but still suffer in terms of web performance. Even if you publish valuable and well-researched articles, it won’t matter if no one sees them.

After creating a website and its content, work doesn’t stop there – it’s necessary to learn how to drive traffic to it. After all, the more people visit the site, the more you will earn.

If you want to learn more about the various ways to increase website traffic, this article is for you. We will explain 20 of the best free and paid ways to drive traffic to your website.

Organic Search Traffic vs Paid Traffic

There are two main types of website traffic – organic and paid. Organic traffic refers to site visitors coming from search engines like Google or Bing.

On the other hand, paid traffic lands on your site through advertisements such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, promoted links, and other paid methods.

Research has proven that 53.3% of all website traffic is organic. This number has many site owners racing to improve their websites’ search engine optimization (SEO).

Organic traffic, also known as free website traffic, is a long-term investment. Getting a site to rank on the first page of search engine results pages (SERPs) is not instant. You might not see significant results for months, especially if your site’s niche is crowded.

If you want to see immediate results, aim for paid traffic. You can set it up within minutes and receive more visitors on the same day.

Tons of advertisement services also offer various targeting options, letting users choose who sees their ads based on criteria such as location, age, and sex.

Although having instant results sounds nice, prepare to spend a lot of money on paid ads, particularly in competitive markets.

If you want to know how your website is performing, use a site traffic checker to gain more insights into which strategies work best.

Pro Tip

If you are not sure whether you need to upgrade your web hosting plan to handle more traffic, don’t worry. Hostinger users can test a better plan without any commitment.

All you have to do is activate the Plan Boosting feature from your hPanel and enjoy your new plan for free for 24 hours.

20 Best Ways to Drive Website Traffic

With enough effort and the right methods, your website won’t suffer from a lack of traffic anymore.

Let’s discuss both organic and paid ways to drive traffic to your website.

1. Optimize Your Website for Search Engines

Improving a website’s SEO means making the site is optimized for search engines to get more visitors to your site. Well-implemented SEO best practices will help your website rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) and drive organic traffic to your website.

A simple start to optimizing a website involves doing keyword research for its content.

Through research, learn how many people search for specific keywords and how fierce the competition is. Determine which keywords to use to rank high among search results. Include long-tail keywords as they are usually used by people who know exactly what they want.

There are many keyword research tools, the most popular being Google Keyword Planner. Find keyword ideas or check historical metrics such as average monthly search volume and competition.

Google Keyword Planner showing a keyword, its average monthly searches, and competition.

After deciding which keywords to use, it’s time to optimize the website. The optimization process can be divided into two categories – off-site and on-site SEO.

Off-site SEO refers to anything you can do to boost the popularity of your website without tweaking it. There are many ways to promote your website for free, such as social media marketing and guest blogging. Furthermore, don’t forget about technical SEO aspects, like increasing site loading speed.

On the other hand, on-site or on-page SEO is the act of optimizing different parts of your website, including site content.

When creating website content, make sure to focus on on-page SEO first. After all, the website has to be great before you market it to others. Here are some SEO tips on which elements to modify to improve on-page SEO for generating consistent traffic to your website:

  • Title tags. Create catchy titles with keywords in them. However, they shouldn’t contain more than 70 characters.
  • Meta description. This is the short description of a web page shown under the URL in search results. A meta description should contain the main keywords so search engines and people can understand the page’s content.
  • Header tags. Break the content up into several sections using header tags for easy reading. There are six levels of headings, from H1 to H6.
  • Image alt text. This text describes images on the internet and helps search engine crawlers understand them. Screen-reading tools also use this information to describe images to the blind.

2. Start Email Marketing Campaigns

Although on-page SEO is a great way to attract potential customers, you need to make sure they don’t just visit once. Engage with visitors by sending regular newsletters and promotions through email.

Keeping in touch with people encourages them to revisit your site. Like regular customers of a coffee shop, they can eventually become loyal visitors to your site.

To start an email marketing campaign, use email marketing services like MailChimp and Constant Contact. Start by trying out their free versions before upgrading to premium plans as your site grows.

However, remember not to bombard subscribers with too many emails. Send out weekly or bi-weekly emails containing marketing campaigns, special offers, or a roundup of site updates.

Here are some email marketing best practices to increase website traffic:

  • Make sure the emails are mobile-friendly. This is important, as around 50% of emails are opened on mobile devices.
  • Create personalized emails. Include the subscriber’s name to address them directly, appear more friendly, and develop their trust.
  • Entice people to read more. Use copywriting to emphasize appealing information in the email’s subject line and body. Provide clickable Read More links or buttons within the emails, leading people to your site.
  • Use attractive visual elements. Ensure the emails use aesthetically pleasing themes and eye-catching color palettes, inviting people to read the content.
  • Take advantage of email analytics. Test out different email marketing strategies and track the performance to see which one works best. Use the data to segment email subscribers, delivering targeted emails to the most receptive groups.

3. Post on Social Media Regularly

Social media sites are a powerful tool to drive traffic to your site. Use them wisely and effectively, and it won’t be long before visitors come flocking to your site.

Make sure your organic social media content is easy to share by embedding social sharing tools, but don’t sit and wait around for people to share it. Be proactive and reach out to potential customers.

Every time you upload new content, share it on social media sites. Create various types of content, such as blog post snippets, infographics, photos, and videos. It costs nothing and can significantly increase website traffic.

Expert Tip

Marketing your content via ads on social media platforms like FacebookTwitterYoutubeInstagram, and TikTok can quickly increase the traffic to your blog post when done correctly. This strategy requires some familiarity with paid advertising and the creation of ad campaigns. In terms of marketing strategy, each social platform is slightly different, so you’ll need a fundamental understanding of each before you get started.

Here are some tips to promote your content on social media sites:

  • Add visual elements. People are more likely to click on visually-appealing posts.
  • Use hashtags. Relevant hashtags make posts easier to discover and attract people interested in your niche, as they use specific hashtags to find desired content.
  • Pick the right platform. Different social media sites have different target audiences. Older adults mostly use Facebook, while teens and people in their twenties tend to frequent Instagram and Twitter. Try various sites to see which one yields the best results.
  • Tag influencers in the industry. This is useful for grabbing the attention of influential people in your niche. However, only do this on relevant posts and don’t overdo it.
  • Interact with followers. Keep your audience engaged by replying to comments people leave in response to your organic social media content. You can even include links to your site in your answers.

4. Write Great Content

Content is the core of every site. Engaging content will keep visitors coming back over and over again. Furthermore, they will be more inclined to share it with others.

Check out some tips below on how to create content that can drive traffic to your website:

  • Research keywords. Your content should be built around the main keywords. Think of them as topics to write about. Pick relevant keywords with high search volume, using tools such as Google Keyword Planner or Semrush for in-depth keyword analysis.
  • Create strong headlines. These tend to grab people’s attention on SERPs, so the catchier the headlines, the better. They should provoke interest and curiosity.
  • Avoid long sentences and big words. Most people skim over content to find the information they need, so simplicity and clarity are a must.
  • Write informative content. Your content should provide answers to problems or frequently asked questions. Put yourself in the readers’ shoes and think about what they would want to see. Moreover, avoid filler sentences for the sake of increasing the word count.
  • Add images and videos. A wall of text will drive readers away, so break up content with visual elements to keep readers engaged.
  • Use writing tools. Take advantage of helpful applications such as Grammarly, a spelling and grammar checker, to make content creation easier.

When it comes to writing good website content, practice is important. Over time, you will learn how to write effectively and drive traffic to your website.

5. Make Your Site Mobile-friendly

The fact that mobile phones account for 56% of all web traffic should be enough to understand why a website has to be mobile-friendly. If visitors have a bad mobile experience on your site, they might never come back, and you may lose a huge portion of potential traffic.

mobile-friendly website should be responsive, which means it should automatically adjust the design based on the device’s screen size. Visitors will then be able to browse through your website comfortably without having to scroll around. Try Google’s mobile-friendly test to see whether your website meets the standards.

To build a responsive website, you either need to hire a professional or use website-building platforms with responsive themes and templates. If you choose the latter, we recommend using WordPress as many of its themes are mobile-friendly.

Having a responsive website is also crucial for great SEO. Since Google has implemented mobile-first indexing, its bots predominantly use the mobile version of websites for ranking and indexing.

As a result, non-responsive websites will suffer in terms of ranking on SERPs.

6. Audit Outdated Content

Publishing new content regularly is an excellent way to attract more traffic to your website. However, editing old content is also a great way to drive traffic to your website.

Search engines constantly crawl through websites to search for new content. Every time you update existing content, search engine bots will crawl the page again to rescore and rerank it on SERPs according to the changes made.

To get faster results, updating old content helps with building traffic to your website. It is highly likely they already rank well on SERPs, so an update will keep them relevant and increase their chances to rank higher.

Use Google Analytics to identify your popular content and choose posts that look the most promising. However, remember not to make unnecessary updates just for the sake of it. Aim for quality, not quantity.

Below are some updates you can make to articles:

  • Look out for typos, fix awkward sentences, and improve the flow.
  • Fix broken links and link to newer sources when possible.
  • Add new images, infographics, or videos.
  • Improve the content’s accuracy by updating the information.

7. Implement an Affiliate Program

Hostinger's affiliate marketing program to help drive traffic to the website.

An affiliate marketing program is a partnership in which site owners pay people for sending them referral traffic or sales.

The affiliates usually write articles about your products to convince their readers to purchase them. As the merchant, you will usually give every affiliate marketer a unique referral link or banner to place on their site. Then, the marketer will receive a commission fee for every reader visiting your site via the link or banner. Read our article on referral program to find out how referral works in general.

Many businesses choose this digital marketing strategy and even create affiliate websites since it is a cost-effective way to drive referral traffic and increase conversion rates.

Before choosing an affiliate, know who your target market is. The affiliates or publishers must be appealing to your potential consumers. Ideally, select people already liked by your target demographic.

For example, if your business is in the IT industry, you may reach out to influential IT bloggers and offer them an affiliate marketing deal to promote your products or services.

Here are some of the best affiliate marketing practices to bring more traffic to your site:

  • Let potential affiliates find you easily. In addition to reaching out to people, create a landing page for your affiliate marketing program. Explain what the opportunity is about and implement a call-to-action button encouraging people to sign up.
  • Offer compelling yet reasonable commission fees. Find out the average industry rates for them and take your budget into account. If you run an online store, offer free products in addition to or as an alternative to monetary compensation.
  • Establish terms and conditions. Create the rules of your program and make sure the affiliates are aware of them. This will help prevent potential misunderstandings and fraud.
  • Incentivize affiliates. Motivate publishers by giving them bonus gifts or increasing their commission rate after a certain number of sales or a specific period. Keep them happy, and they will likely stay your affiliates for a long time.
  • Create a newsletter for affiliates. Stay in touch with marketers by sending them regular emails about new products, services, or events. You can even showcase success stories to convince them to work with you.

Gather as many inbound links or backlinks to your site as possible. You get these when other websites link to your site. Similarly, when you link to other sites on your site, they obtain backlinks from you.

Collecting external links is important for driving traffic to your site as it helps boost SEO performance. The more backlinks you get, the more credible your site appears to search engine bots.

With this benefit in mind, here are some ways to gather backlinks to generate traffic:

  • Reach out to journalists and reporters. If you are an industry expert, visit websites like Help A Reporter Out (HARO) or Qwoted to connect with journalists seeking expert opinions. Offer them your knowledge, and you may even convince some publications to link back to your site, earning you some referral traffic.
  • Swap backlinks. Reach out to fellow websites in your niche. Offer some of your site content to be linked within theirs, promising to link their content within yours in return. This may result in a mutually beneficial deal, driving traffic to both sites.
  • Connect with featured brands. If you often mention various brands in your posts, try contacting the companies after publishing the articles. Send them a message saying you have published a post discussing their product – the company may be willing to link back to your site.

Sometimes webmasters focus on backlinks and forget internal linking. However, both are equally important to drive traffic to your website.

Google uses both internal and external links to determine the value of a page. If there are many links to a page, Google deems that page important, and it will most likely rank well among the search results.

When creating content, always insert several internal links to relevant articles within your post. For example, if your post is about starting a business, insert links to related articles you have written before, such as business tips or ideas.

Another benefit of internal linking is that it improves website navigation and user experience, thereby making visitors more inclined to stay on the website.

By providing internal links to relevant pages, visitors won’t have to look up the needed information from your competitors, increasing their dwell time on your site.

Here are some tips to help you build a strong internal linking structure:

  • Write many articles. If you want to include many internal links within posts, you must have numerous content pieces to link to. Focus on growing your body of content so you can insert more links within posts.
  • Use natural anchor text. Incorporate the links into the content smoothly, using words already present in the article. Avoid writing a sentence just for the sake of inserting an internal link.
  • Only link to relevant content. Make sure the internal links you provide are relevant to the article, and that readers will find them helpful and valuable.
  • Don’t overdo it. Internal links may be helpful, but inserting too many may make the articles look messy and damage the user experience.

10. Speed up Your Site

Site speed measures how fast people can see and interact with a site after accessing it. Besides being one of the main search engine ranking factors, it also impacts user experience, dwell time, and conversion rates.

Generally, the faster a site loads, the better its SEO is. Research conducted by Google shows that bounce rate increases by 32% as page load time changes from one second to three and that over half of the visits are abandoned if a mobile site takes over three seconds to load.

A useful tool for improving website speed is Google PageSpeed Insights. It analyzes the content of a webpage, provides detailed reporting on its performance on both mobile and desktop devices, and offers suggestions on what to modify.

With all this in mind, here are some tips to speed up a site’s load time:

  • Test site speed. Before improving it, find out the initial speed and what to fix. There are many website speed test tools you can use to do this.
  • Minify files. Use plugins like Autoptimize to remove unnecessary text, like code comments or whitespace, from your site’s HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files to reduce their sizes. Smaller file sizes mean less bandwidth usage and faster page load time.
  • Optimize images. Large images often slow down page load times. Before uploading an image, compress its file size by reducing its resolution. Use a plugin like Smush to create decent quality images with the smallest file size possible.
  • Use browser caching. Some page elements are temporarily stored in the cache on a user’s first visit to the site. Using plugins like W3 Total Cache, the browser can load the page quicker on the next visit by retrieving the saved files instead of requesting the content from the server again.
  • Reduce unnecessary third-party integrations. Scripted page elements loaded from third-party sources, such as external commenting services or video players, may slow a page down. Only keep the third-party integrations that are integral to your site.
  • Avoid redirects when possible. Forwarding visitors from one page to another increases page load time. Redirects are useful for leading visitors to the right page when you delete or move pages but keep them to a minimum.
  • Use a content delivery network (CDN). A CDN lets visitors access a site faster, regardless of their geographical location or the amount of traffic experienced by the server. This is because requests are sent to a global server network instead of one main hosting server.

In addition to the aspects above, many factors of web hosting, such as RAM, hard drive size, and bandwidth, affect site speed. This is why choosing the right hosting provider is important.

For example, Hostinger offers different types of hosting to suit various needs. Webmasters who want to maintain great site speed can go for one of Hostinger’s cloud hosting packages, all of which come with plenty of SSD storage, RAM, unlimited bandwidth, and a free CDN.

11. Display Facebook Ads

Using Facebook advertising is proven to be an effective way to drive traffic to websites. Research shows that 30% of marketers think Facebook is the social media platform that delivers the highest digital ad return of investment (ROI).

There are two ways to advertise on Facebook: by boosting existing posts or using its Ads Manager.

Using the Boost Post feature, users can turn any of their Facebook posts into an ad. If you wish to create dedicated marketing campaigns with more customizable options, however, the Ads Manager may be a better option.

Based on average costs, Facebook Ads are a cheaper alternative to search engine ads. The average cost per click (CPC) across all industries is $1.72, and you get to decide how much to spend per day and how long the ads run.

The key to using Facebook Ads Manager is making sure every dollar counts. Do so by defining your AwarenessConsideration, and Conversion goals when creating a campaign:

  • Awareness. Reach new people and generate interest in your brand.
  • Consideration. Get people hooked on your website and look for more information.
  • Conversion. Encourage site visitors to buy your products.
Facebook Ads Manager showing awareness, consideration, and conversion goals.

After defining your goals, create a marketing campaign to catch the audience’s attention. Here are some suggestions on what to do to increase targeted traffic via Facebook advertising:

  • Write an excellent description. It should be short, interesting, and relatable.
  • Provide appealing visual elements. They grab users’ attention when they are scrolling through Facebook and compel them to look at your ads. Include pictures, infographics, or videos.
  • Update ads once the campaign ends. Change the visual elements and edit the descriptions. If you use the same ads for months, they will lose their effectiveness.
  • Create an informative landing page. You only have a few seconds to keep visitors from bouncing off your site, so make sure the landing page is aesthetically pleasing, enticing, and informative.

Pro Tip

Check out this tutorial about Performance Marketing If you want to save money, create low-risk campaigns, and gain trackable performance.

12. Create a YouTube Channel

Youtube is the most popular video hosting platform, with approximately 2 billion active users per month. Such a large audience makes Youtube an excellent avenue for driving traffic to your website.

After creating a channel on Youtube, post videos on various topics relevant to your industry. Promote your site in the videos, encouraging viewers to visit the site and explain the benefits they will get.

Here are some Youtube best practices to help drive traffic to your site:

  • Use videos as teasers for site content. Don’t give out all of your site content in the Youtube videos. Instead, use them as teasers featuring a compressed version of the site content. Tell viewers to check out your site for more details.
  • Optimize videos for search engines. Use tools such as the Ahrefs Youtube Keyword Tool to perform keyword research. Create videos focused on popular keywords and work the words into the video title and description.
  • Write informative video descriptions. The description should summarize what is discussed in the video and display important links, such as links to your site and social media profiles. You can also include timestamps and hashtags related to the video.
  • Include a signature call-to-action. For example, your call-to-action can remind viewers to click the subscribe button and visit your site for more details. You can say this at the beginning or end of every video.
  • Feature cards on the end screen. Youtube cards are clickable elements typically shown at the end-screen of a video. They are a great way to feature links, playlists, or other videos and channels right within the video instead of just in the description.
  • Interact with commenters. Engagement is an important part of building a community and fostering loyalty. Like, pin, and reply to comments to show viewers you care about their opinion.

The following is an example of one of our Hostinger Academy videos on Youtube – a tutorial on how to create a WordPress site in 10 minutes.

Hostinger Academy's video on YouTube - an example to get traffic to your website.

13. Advertise on Instagram

Instagram is another social media site popular for digital marketing. It is best suited for those targeting young audiences as more than half of its users are under 35.

As this social platform is owned by Facebook, Instagram Ads is similar to Facebook Ads.

Instagram Ads - an example to get more traffic to your website.

There are two ways to advertise on Instagram: via the multi-platform Facebook Ads Manager or by boosting existing posts. Although boosting posts is easier, the Ads Manager provides more features and options.

Identify your objectives and use many targeting options, including age, gender, language, and country, through the manager. In addition, adjust the campaign budget, schedule, and placements.

There are many types of Instagram ads, including image, video, story, and IGTV ads. Because Instagram is a visual platform, creating visually-appealing campaigns is essential.

Post visual elements such as short informative videos, funny pictures, and useful infographics. Explore all the options and create an ad that genuinely represents your website.

Here are some Instagram Ads best practices to help bring traffic to your site:

  • Optimize ads for mobile devices. This should be a priority as most Instagram users access the platform via their phones. Film videos in the portrait format, use eye-catching colors and graphics, and keep text to a minimum.
  • Prepare ads for consumption with no sound. Not everyone navigates Instagram with the sound on. Try to deliver ads mainly using visual elements understandable even without sound and use captions for voiceovers.
  • Keep ads short and direct. Keep videos short and jump right into the key message to grab people’s attention before they scroll away.

14. Try Out Influencer Marketing

Social media has changed the way people look for what they need. Nowadays, they put a lot of trust into the recommendations given by their favorite influencers. Luckily, you can use it to your advantage.

Just like with affiliate marketing, contact influencers and ask them to promote your products or services to their followers in exchange for a commission.

The difference lies in the content type. Affiliate marketing tends to focus more on written content, while social media influencers usually employ visually captivating content such as images or videos.

In addition, affiliates are typically paid according to the number of sales or the amount of referral traffic, while influencers usually receive a fixed amount of money regardless of sales or traffic.

It is important to note that money is not the only option for compensation. Some merchants give out free products instead of or in addition to a fee. As long as everything is previously agreed upon, there should be no problem.

Here are some tips to help establish your influencer marketing channels and drive referral traffic:

  • Select influencers based on the platform used. Find influencers popular on platforms used by your target audience. For example, if most of your audience uses Instagram, it would be best to work with an Instagram influencer instead of a Youtuber.
  • Choose respected influencers in your niche. Make sure to select influencers who are experts in your industry and whose content is received well by the platform’s community. Find someone with a good public image to promote your products or services.
  • Don’t be too controlling. Be patient and trust the influencers. Establish clear guidelines and expectations, but give them the freedom to promote products in their style. After all, they know how to communicate with their followers better.

15. Display QR Codes

Another way to drive traffic to your website is by advertising the site via QR codes. They are images consisting of black and white squares readable by machines.

QR codes are a mix of online and offline marketing. Advertisers typically put up QR codes in public places. Like promotional posters or billboards, the more people see the codes, the better. You can also put QR codes on physical products and printed publications.

People can scan the code using their mobile devices and be immediately directed to your site’s homepage. This eliminates the need to type the site’s domain name in their browser.

In addition to leading people to a particular page, QR codes can also be used to show people business details or contact information, send promotional messages or emails, display business locations on a map, and provide promotional discounts.

As QR codes work similarly to call-to-action buttons, they have to be accompanied by eye-catching visual elements and enticing copywriting to encourage people to scan them.

After all, people won’t scan a random QR code without context or one that doesn’t seem appealing.

Consider the following factors before putting up a QR code:

  • Target audience. Make sure they know how to scan QR codes. If most of your target market doesn’t carry mobile devices, it will be pointless to set up QR codes.
  • Responsive site design. The page the QR code leads to must be mobile-optimized, as the image will be primarily scanned using phones.
  • Location. Avoid placing the codes on websites or emails as people opening the site or email on their phones will have no tool to scan them with.
  • Size. Make sure the QR codes are printed in the correct size. A good rule of thumb is to use the 10:1 distance-to-size ratio. This means whatever the picture width is, the optimal scanning distance would be it multiplied by 10.

16. Use LinkedIn

Linkedin's homepage.

LinkedIn is a unique social media site because it has a specific user group — skilled workers and professionals worldwide. This makes the platform a perfect place to drive traffic to your website if it’s dedicated to businesses.

After signing up, complete your LinkedIn profile. Make sure to provide all the information needed to increase credibility. Don’t forget to provide the link to your website and personalize your profile while keeping it professional.

Just like on other social media sites, the more active you are on LinkedIn, the better. Create insightful and valuable organic social media content and make sure to incorporate natural anchor text for the link to your site.

In addition to making posts, join relevant groups and answer people’s questions. Remember that the more popular you become on the platform, the more traffic your website will experience.

Another way to drive traffic to your site on LinkedIn is by running ad campaigns. Using its Campaign Manager, users can set up four different types of campaigns: Sponsored ContentSponsored MessagingLead Gen Forms, and Text and Dynamic Ads.

Choose from three categories of objectives:

  • Awareness. Increase people’s awareness of your brand.
  • Consideration. Focus on increasing engagement level as well as the number of website visits and video views.
  • Conversion. Improve the rate of website conversions, lead generation, and the number of job applicants and talent leads.

You can also use LinkedIn’s targeting tools to reach various audiences using categories such as company name, member schools, member interests, skills, and job title.

Set the campaign budget and schedule. Don’t forget to track the campaign click-through rate, using the data for future campaign optimization.

17. Publish Guest Posts

Guest posting or guest blogging is a good way to increase referral traffic as it helps expose you to a large group of readers whose interests are related to your niche.

Guest blogging on reputable sites also helps establish your authority and credibility to search engines and readers. In exchange for your guest post, the website you write for will typically allow some backlinks to your own site inserted within the guest blog article.

The backlinks may increase your website’s ranking on SERPs. In addition, if people like your writing, they will be inclined to visit your site by clicking on the links in the guest posts.

Here are some tips related to guest posting to increase referral traffic to your site:

  • Know who and where the target audience is. Figure out your target demographic and which relevant websites they visit. Try guest blogging for those sites to increase the likelihood of your guest posts being seen by the right people.
  • Build relationships. Be active in communities or attend events related to your site’s niche. Make friends with people in the same industry. The more people you know, the more relevant sites you can offer guest posting services to.
  • Write valuable content. Make sure your guest article is of great quality and provides value to the readers. Do proper research before guest blogging and proofread your writing. Provide a comprehensive blog post answering frequently asked questions or solving problems.

18. Conduct Webinars

A webinar is an online event, usually conducted as s a live video stream to a virtual audience. It will typically have a host and some panelists discussing and sharing knowledge on a particular topic.

Webinars may bring more traffic to your website for free. This is because they can improve brand awareness and social media presence. Promote your webinar through various channels and engage social media followers, encouraging them to generate a buzz about the event.

The interactive nature of webinars also means you get to build trust directly with your audience. For example, you can set up a webinar with a live Q&A session, accepting questions from the audience and inviting them to participate in the discussion.

A high-quality webinar can also increase brand authority and credibility. If the event provides valuable information and features well-known industry experts, people will be more inclined to visit and engage with your site.

In addition, after the webinar ends, you can use the recording of the session to generate website traffic for free. Upload the videos on your site or turn them into other types of content pieces for marketing your site, such as social media or blog posts.

For example, Hostinger frequently conducts webinars with experts in the IT industry. Examples of the topics include WordPress SEO essentials and how to use social media to grow your business. All of the webinars are recorded, and videos of past webinars are available on our official website.

Take the following factors into account when preparing a webinar:

  • Topic. Try coming up with topics that would be useful and relevant to your audience’s interests and needs.
  • Format. Decide how you would like the webinar to be conducted. Examples of webinar formats include Q&A sessions, speaker presentations, panel discussions, product demos, and interviews.
  • Speakers. Choose panelists who will be featured in the webinar. Examples include industry experts, influencers, or even experts from your team. The more high-profile the speakers are, the more publicity they can bring to the event.
  • Tools and materials. Conduct proper research, prepare data, and formulate questions if you’re doing interviews. Plan out the structure of the event, create a rundown, and prepare visual aids. Don’t forget to check the availability of tools such as a camera, a microphone, a stable Internet connection, and a reliable video conferencing solution.
  • Promotion. Prepare materials to advertise the webinar. This may be in the form of automated reminder emails to people on your mailing lists, social media posts, or pop-ups on your website.

19. Promote on Online Communities

Online communities refer to groups of people with shared interests gathering on social media platforms or niche websites. They exchange stories, ask and answer questions, and engage in various discussions. There is at least one for virtually any topic imaginable.

Participating in relevant online communities may help boost organic traffic to your website since you will get exposed to your target market. You can find people who are already interested in your site niche and will be more inclined to visit your site.

When promoting your site on online communities, you must only do so after establishing a strong relationship and trust with fellow community members.

Advertising a site or an online business immediately after joining the community will make you seem too much of a salesman, leading people to dislike or distrust you.

Approach the community with sincerity, showing you want to truly become a community member and not just promote your site. Join discussions, ask for advice, answer people’s questions, and help them solve problems. After successfully establishing rapport with people, they will be more likely to listen to and care about what you say and offer.

Find various online communities in LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups, RedditQuora, or even standalone websites and forums on Google.

There are numerous online communities on various topics, so it is crucial to find one that truly fits your niche. For example, Stack Overflow is a forum dedicated to programming, while Warrior Forum is the one dedicated to Internet marketing.

Before sharing content, take a good look at the community and decide if it is the right place to promote your site. Find out if the kind of content similar to yours has been discussed before and observe people’s engagement and reception to it.

After promoting content, don’t forget to track the performance and measure how much traffic you get using tools such as Google Analytics to see which communities provide the most value to your website and engagement.

20. Publish Content on Medium

You can bring more traffic to your site by publishing relevant blog content on Medium, a popular blogging platform, and inserting links to your site in the posts.

As people write about any topic imaginable on Medium, you will likely find some people within your target market on the platform, regardless of your industry. Many businesses use Medium to provide content and spread brand awareness to potential customers.

An added benefit to using Medium is that you can make money blogging by writing blog posts on the website. The more time people spend reading your article, the higher your compensation will be.

Here are some helpful tips on driving traffic to your website via Medium:

  • Republish site content on Medium. Besides publishing new content on Medium, you can also use its import feature to republish content from your site.
  • Submit blog content to Medium PublicationsThese are shared spaces run by editorial teams with multiple authors writing articles on a specific topic. If a team accepts and publishes your submission, you get to expose your blog post to the publication’s many followers.
  • Build relationships with Medium writers. Follow influential authors in your industry and develop relationships with them by engaging with their content. Leave thoughtful comments on their articles and, with their permission, mention them and their content in your articles.
  • Take advantage of social media. Crosspost your Medium posts to social media sites, letting more people see the content. You can also find fellow Medium content creators on social media and engage with their posts to build rapport.
  • Track performance. Don’t forget to track the number of people visiting your site from Medium and how each post is performing. Use the data to determine the kind of content you should stop or continue posting on the platform.


If you are a webmaster, learning how to drive traffic to your website is a must. There are two kinds of it – organic traffic, or free website traffic, which refers to people accessing your site from search engines. On the other hand, paid traffic refers to people visiting your site after seeing advertisements for it.

We have shared some of the best free and paid methods to drive traffic to your website. If you are confused about where to start, we recommend using the following strategies:

  • Optimize your website’s SEO. Help search engines crawl your site by promoting the site and modifying its content and elements. The higher your site’s position on the search results is, the more organic traffic it will experience.
  • Stay active on social media pages. Crosspost site content on social media sites regularly. Engage with your followers by responding to their comments to entice people to visit your site.
  • Hire affiliate marketers. Pay people to write reviews of your products and encourage their readers to make purchases by clicking unique links leading to your site.
  • Work with influencers. Contact influential people on social media and offer them a deal to promote your products to their followers in exchange for free products or a commission.
  • Use Facebook Ads. Promote your site to all kinds of people by putting up an ad on one of the biggest social media platforms. Make sure the Facebook ad has an enticing description and attractive visual elements.

By following our tips, you no need to think about buying organic traffic to your site. Make sure to be consistent and have patience. In time, you will see more traffic to your site. Good luck.